12 Cheap Amazon Items for Your Work Desk

12 Cheap Amazon Items for Your Work Desk

Don’t let the drudgery of office routines kill the fun-loving child in you. There are many ways of turning your workspace into a fun and stress-free place. Here are some simple and cheap Amazon items that can help you transform your everyday workstation into a fun and...
17 Empowering Quotes by Successful Women

17 Empowering Quotes by Successful Women

For the moments in which you are feeling sad or just not in the mood, here are 17 empowering quotes by successful women to give you strength. These women not only shine and excel in their respective fields, but they also inspire and encourage young women all over the...
Shoes – Trendy Fashionable Shoe Designs

Shoes – Trendy Fashionable Shoe Designs

Shoes in Pakistan come in myriad of colors. Though as of lately the trend has been to buy expensive shoes at boutiques and malls (I am looking at you centaurus) which are usually heels, and nude colored everyone forgets the traditional sandals we have the tendency to...