Interior mouldings are wonderful in enhancing the appearance of the home. Interior mouldings that have elaborate designs, highlight the importance of a room for the guests by making it visually appealing. This design element adds detail, depth and gives richness to a room. It is used to give a new look to the old building structure. The interior mouldings sole purpose is to enhance the overall appearance of the home interiors. Mainly, the walls and the ceilings are the major element of the interior mouldings to make the transition smooth, attractive, and continuous between them. In addition to that, it offers wide range of designs and profiles.
There are various types of interior mouldings. The decorative mouldings are used to add beauty to the window and door of the house. There are various types of mouldings such as wooden mouldings.
There are various types of interior mouldings given below:
#1. The Base
The base is used at the point where the wall and the floor meet. It is used to conceal the gaps in between the floors and the wall finishes. The architectural addition to the wall look beautiful and the baseboard are cleaner, contemporary, and aesthetically beautiful.
#2. Wainscot
The space between the chair rail and the baseboard can be finished as the wallpapered or painted in many times the area is paneled. Besides, there are many options in the baseboard such as bead board, simple wood panels, and raised panels.
#3. Chair Rail
Moving upwards from the wall, the other interior mouldings is the chair rail. The main function of these rail mouldings is to protect the wall finish from any scratches from the furniture when it is placed against the wall. Besides, it can be installed at any height.
#4. Window Casing
This is the most traditional form of casing. The separate side, bottom, and top pieces are used in order to give it a distinct and richly articulate the semicustom wall casing. The trims here richly articulate and give fine details to the design. Casing window distinctively is an added advantage.
#5. Door Casing
It is installed as a separate piece just like the window. However, it does not have the bottom or stool or the apron casing like the window casing. It is seen in the sophisticated designs. It is generally coupled with the craftsman-style window trim. The door casing is used to distinguish doors from the windows.
#6. Plate rail
This is not to the close of the top of the wall. The depth of the plate rail can be shallow in those and determine the depth of the rail. This addition gives a rich look and makes space appear more interesting. Thus, many architects use it so often.
#7. Crown Mouldings
It takes place at the top of the wall, where the ceiling and the wall come together. Here you tend to get unlimited choice and preferences. Besides, it softens the transition between the wall and the ceiling. It is a gentle approach to change and eases the sharp abrupt corners.
#8. Picture Rail
On the top of the wall, close to the corners, you will see picture rail. The main purpose of this trim is to place the pictures, as it does not look good on the plastered walls. Besides, this element is mostly used as a decorative piece to divide the wall into horizontal layers. Although, it’s utility has decreased with the advent of inexpensive hooks.
The interior mouldings are an added beauty to amplify the overall appearance of the house. You can get them anytime to change the aesthetics of your home. Interior mouldings are a powerful designing tool used by the architects to give an elegant approach to the overall house.
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