First Country to Ban Pokémon Go: A Sad Day for Pokelovers in Iran

Written by Michelle McCart
6 · 03 · 17
First Country to Ban Pokémon Go

Iran has lately gained much publicity for becoming the first country to ban Pokémon Go. The High Council of Virtual Spaces of Iran is responsible for officially banning the app in the country. The question is why the country took such a rash decision about a mere game.

Pokémon Go – What Is the Hype About?

Pokémon Go is an addictive augmented reality game, which works by using your phone’s GPS for your real-world location to bring Pokémon’s on your screen. The task is to catch these Pokémon monsters with a Pokeball. Checkout some crazy Pokémon fans in the video below:

Why Has Iran Become the First Country to Ban Pokémon Go?

The reasons for this decision by the High Council of Virtual Spaces to ban the game are still ambiguous. However, a BBC report stated that the High Council considered the game to be the basis for increased “security concerns.” Precise details of the said security concerns are not clear yet.

We can assume that since Pokémon Go encourages players to “catch em all” wherever you find them (even at the oddest hours), it can create problems. Thus, the Pokémon effect has given rise to encroachment concerns to such an extent that in the U.S. there’s even a ‘class-action lawsuit’ in the making addressing this very matter.

This addictive app has led groups of people to leave their homes and roam around a common location for several hours, in search for a Pokémon. At some of these spots, the players are harassed or robbed, increasing the crime rate in the country. This might be why Iran bans Pokémon Go. Part of the public thinks that perhaps all countries should ban Pokémon Go considering the safety of the people.

BBC sources state that the first country to ban Pokémon Go was pondering over a ban since last month. However, they were waiting to see if they could come to an agreement with the game’s creator, Niantic Labs, over probable limitations. Possibly, they wanted people stopped from “overplaying” the game or restricting players’ access to high alert areas.

Not the First Ban for the Pokémon Go App

Although Iran is the first country to ban Pokémon Go, this is certainly not the game’s first ban.

New York’s correctional department has regarded engagement in any internet games including Pokémon Go as a parole violation for sex offenders.

In a recent statement reported by the DailyMail, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo said that the safety of the children of New York is the main concern of the country. He also said that with the advancements in technology, there is the need to take the right measures to guarantee that these developments do not become a new path for the attackers to pursue. He believes that these steps will protect the young players from those who wish to harm them.

Is Pokémon Go in Trouble in Singapore

The concerned departments in Singapore are also looking into the game and its effect on the everyday lives of the players and those around.

Yaacob Ibrahim, Singapore’s minister for communications and information talked with the Straits Times recently. He said that they will be observing the game keenly and if the outcome is alarming, the Media Development Authority (MDA) will try to come up with a solution. The solution would not disappoint the players nor becomes a risk for the country.

‘Pokedeprived’ Countries

People in other countries are waiting for Pokémon Go to become available. These include Bangladesh, China, Egypt, India, Mexico, Nigeria, Pakistan, Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Korea, Sri Lanka, and United Arab Emirates. However, the unavailability still does not stop the fans from using proxy-servers to download the app. These fans may even be surprised to learn about the first country to ban Pokémon Go. Will Pokémon Craze ever end? Time will tell.

Do you wanna catch em all? Become a Pokemaster today: “Pokefever: Cures and Remedies” Find out amazing Pokémon hacks in our next article. To read more about amazing lifestyle tips, keep visiting us on We are all you need for a great and happy lifestyle!

Check out our recent blog Pokefever: Cures and Remedies.

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Michelle McCart