New Year, New Start: Reboot Your Life to Achieve Your Goals

Written by Mona Hadi Naeem
7 · 01 · 17
New Year, New Start: Reboot Your Life

New Year is a new start for many of us. Over the past several months of 2016, we all have gone through some good and bad experience. However, with those experiences comes wisdom, the realization of our flaws, and a clearer idea about what we need to achieve – our GOALS. You must have decided some new resolutions for 2017, or you may have failed at achieving your 2016 resolutions and want to make sure you achieve them in the next year. If you do not have any clue about where to start rebooting your life to achieve your goals, here are some major goals I’ve outlined for myself. I hope they help you too:

5 Goals to Achieve in the New Year 2017

I’ve summed my goals up into five categories because I believe this the easiest way for me to focus on things I have to do.

Decide Goals Clearly

I am a professional writer, I have a job, and at the same time, I run this website at my leisure because I love to blog. Last year (2016), I wasn’t able to achieve much because I’d spent most of it in uncertainty. Perhaps it was because I had misplaced priorities, perhaps I had too many plans that depended on the special people in my life. A job mattered more than anything did because of financial problems in my life. I assume that is the story of every other person out there. However, this made me realize that I didn’t work towards a singular goal. This New Year, I plan to work towards my blogs and make sure my readers get something every day. I’ve learned a lesson – I need to prioritize!

You may be a student who didn’t achieve the best grades last year. If not, you may be a professional who wants to become the executive in the firm, or you may be a businessperson who wants to expand it. Unless you prioritize your goals, you won’t achieve them.

Mental and Emotional Health

There’s no doubt that different aspects of our lives interconnect with one another. However, everyone has a different experience in life. For me, financial issues led to a lot of anxiety, mental, and emotional crisis. Things were constantly a roller coaster, and trying to keep a balance so that people I love were in a safe bubble gradually took its toll on me. I didn’t realize it until it was late.

In all the mess, today when I look back, I realize one minor detail I never realized sooner. What’s that? Here’s my inner most thought:

“In the end, everything works out for the best. Nothing lasts forever, especially tough times. Losing sleep, worrying too much, overthinking doesn’t help. What has to happen will happen and it would pass. It’s all a matter of perspectives!”

Better Health, Exercise, and Hygiene

When I look back on the past years, 2011-2014, I struggled with health issues a lot. I realized that the fact that I couldn’t handle my financial issues led to constant health crisis. I was constantly under stress, working for extra hours to make ends meet, sleeping less, and not making enough time to exercise. I often met my doctor who insisted I was taking too much stress. I never headed his advice. Soon, I had a lot of hair loss, pain in the bones, and I was constantly on bed with vomiting and other problems. It turned out in the end, that I became diabetic. That was a serious shocker but a major wake-up call.

You need to make time for YOU! I never want anything as painful for anyone and trust me, developing health problems at a young age is not an option! You have to combat anxiety and depression, and no one can help you better than YOU can!

Love and Relationship

Many people try to shy away from the importance of finding love in life. I have so heard so many people I know or meet insist that they don’t believe in love, they don’t believe in relationships, and they would never want it. The truth is; love and relationship is a crucial aspect of our lives. WE ALL NEED IT!

Anyone out there reading this and shaking his/her head is in a state of denial, and truthfully speaking is being hypocritical or very immature. So, let’s move on from this.

Find love! Give it the best if you already found it. Open your hearts to it. If it doesn’t work out, don’t get overworked about it. God Almighty, Mother Nature, and the Universe are working towards something that is always the best for you in the end. Be positive even if you have a heartbreak. I believe in destiny; you should open your mind to this if you haven’t thought about it yet. I know it’s tough not to let love and relationship hurt you but try. I learned the hard way that in the end, everything bad also works towards a greater good in life. There is never anything bad; it’s just a concept we have created. This New Year, I am going into it with all positive thought to make my love story a success.

Improved Personality and Personal Development

Find your inner self! Be original when you are around people and stop worrying about what people say or think about you. I’ve learned something very important over the past several years of failing to impress everyone. No one is every completely happy with anything! No matter how hard you work to impress people, lie to them, go out of your comfort zone, be like them, adapt their ideologies to be part of their groups, they will never accept your personality. Stop impressing others! Make your own principles and stick to them. You cannot please anyone, so start with yourself, and focus on pleasing yourself.

Coming New Year, make sure you are a personality people like to be around and feel happy. Be helpful. Do not judge people. Don’t lie. Don’t be a people pleaser at the expense of your peace of mind. Stop taking stress over people. Stop thinking about how people want you to do things or what they should be like – in short, stop following stereotypes in 2017. It’s a free world, everyone is unique, and everyone’s life experiences are unique. Make your own a unique story and make your life count!

Well, I have sorted out my resolutions for 2017. What are you planning for your New Year’s resolutions? Share some with me in comments down below! Even if you do not agree with what I had to say, share it below. I’d love to hear from you, and I will respond!

Click here to read our previous post “How to Make Red Velvet Waffles – My Special Recipe” in case you missed it. To read more about amazing lifestyle tips, keep visiting us on We are all you need for a great and happy lifestyle!

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Mona Hadi Naeem