So you have finally got the offer for your dream job or promotion. Like any other companies, your employer may require you to undergo drug tests. This can be great if you don’t do drugs. However, you may be in a dilemma when you did drug last weekend, last night or even last Christmas. Fortunately for you, there are a lot of ways on how you can pass a drug test successfully even if you are a drug user. There is still hope and you can still go ahead and get the promotion that you always dream about. Read more about drug testing on this link.
The Best Way to Pass your Drug Test
The best way is to quit drugs for a certain amount of time if you know that you are going to undergo testing. If you can choose a schedule, pick a later date. This can give you time to get rid of the toxins and drug traces inside your body. However, if you are in a tight spot and the test is scheduled to be administered as soon as possible, then there are approaches that you can do to come out clean.
Other Ways of Passing a Blood Drug Test
The best thing that you can do is to get rid of all the toxins inside your body by getting enough sleep, eating healthy foods, drinking lots of water, and exercising properly. This is called detoxification. You have to abstain from using drugs if you know that you have a test coming up. Eat foods that contain plenty of fiber. Avoid drinking sugary beverages, coffee, and soft drinks in order to have a faster metabolism.
However, some drugs can be so potent that they will still leave traces even if you have stopped using them a month prior to your test. In this case, you need a detox program that will eventually get rid of the substances inside your body. These specially formulated drinks are made for users who want to get rid of the toxins from their body as soon as possible. If you don’t know where to go, you search online and visit sites like the Clear Drug Tests website and get more information about the products and testimonials from other clients.
Consider Contaminating your Test Samples

Urine Tests
Using contaminants and adding water was very common in the past. However, in today’s technology, samples can now be detected if they came from another person. The urine samples should reach a specific PH level and specific gravity. If the urine temperature and specific gravity are not within range, this will tell the testers that the samples were altered.
The best thing that you can do is to get a sample of urine on short notice. The temperature will be the same as your own urine and there’s no way that you can fail your test if you have followed the instructions thoroughly.
Saliva Tests
The donors’ saliva is taken out from a cotton swab to check if there are traces of drugs in the mouth. This can be a great test because most of the drugs will not be detectable after 24 to 48 hours. You could even smoke weed a day or two ago and your results will still be negative. Another way where you can come out clean is to make sure that you have drunk a detox drink or gurgled a detox mouthwash before the test. These products are specially designed to remove any traces of drugs use and you will boost your chances in passing the test.
Other Things You Can Do to Pass
Urinate before taking a drug test. This will get rid of the toxins in your body faster. Aside from taking detox pills, drink strong diuretics in order to completely flush substances from your body. Note that you will have more chances of getting a positive result if you pass a sample of your first stream of the day. This can include saliva and urine. Drink water and pee in the toilet first before getting the sample in a cup. You can do this provided that you are not being watched.
Delay your saliva or blood test in any way if you can. If you want, you can rub a cotton swab between your gums and lower cheeks for about two minutes. You can consider shaving your hair if you are taking a hair drug test. However, you might come off as suspicious. You can suggest taking a different test instead to prove that you can still pass it.
Getting into awkward situations can be difficult. This is why there are a lot of detox agents available online to help you pass the test without needing to shave your hairs or delaying the test. You can read a lot of testimonials about these and see for yourself.