When talking about Persian cats, you should know their personalities precede themselves. A few numbers of Persian cat owners report their bad behavior, rather than citing their dignified demeanors and serene temperaments. However, we all know they grace our homes with their loveable presence, and never miss a chance to show-off their unsurpassed beauty. As a whole, they tend to be gentle compared to other feisty cat breeds!
Nonetheless, that doesn’t mean they don’t have quirky personalities. Each Persian cat possesses distinctive personalities, and even with their passive personas, they, after all, display the normal cat behavior gone wrong like play fighting, jumping on high-leveled counters, furniture scratching and more behaviors that sometimes frustrate their owners! If you’re an owner of these little furry angels, then here is what some of their behaviors say aloud!
Your Persian Cat Says Pay Attention to Me!
Some people find the “excessive meowing”, “climbing on whatever you have in front of you”, and “jumping on high places” behavior of Persian cats annoying, while some owners adore it. If your cat has such behaviors, then it simply means they want ALL of your attention. Persian cats are little furry adorable attention seekers, and such acts according to their psychology are a good way of asking for it. When talking about attention seeking at such times, it means you cat is demanding some play time with you to use up their energy.
After Midnight Meowing in Persian Cats
Though Persian cats aren’t usually overly vocal, most owners observe their furry angel’s meow early in the morning and late hours of the night. This simply means it wants food, but if you topped the bowl and ensures everything’s okay, then such behavior is just another attention seeking one. The best solution is to ignore this precise behavior and over time, your cat will learn that meowing late at night won’t get it anywhere. Otherwise, cats are smart, and soon it could learn that this is the most reliable way to get your attention.
Note that as adorable, sweet, and cuddly as your Persian cat maybe, always resist the temptation to cater to its very meow and avoid picking it up!
Kneading and Body Rubbing
When your Persian comes to you and “kneads” on your body or rubs itself on you, this means it wants some grooming time. Persian cats love it when you sit and comb or groom them. Scientifically grooming is healthy for cats and keeps them active. Most Persian cat owners say their cats love it; others say otherwise. If your cat tries to bite the comb or try to run away, simply tap them lightly on their nose or mouth with your finger. This serves as “NO” and they quickly learn to sit calm.
Kneading is a tactic that most cats use on their siblings or mothers when they’re kittens. As they grow, they treat you as their parent and knead on you for grooming time.
Negative Reinforcement
As humans, we find it very delightful to use our hands to fight Persian kittens. However, doing so instantly encourages them to scratch and bite us more when they become adults. It’s a cute act for sure, seeing them play with your hands can boost your mood but know that it’s only cute when they are small. When your Persian is a kitten, it’s best you use toys to play with them. If your cat is an adult now and still plays with your hands, then scratching and biting are common problems you will face. At such a time, just try to keep your hands still and when they release it move it away and stop playing with them. This act is what we call “negative reinforcement” and no play for five minutes means “no attention for you” according to cats.
A Lifetime of Good Manners
Sharing and spending your time with Persians is a truly rewarding experience. Just as raising any other pet, you will face many challenges, but you can face them if you have the power of tolerance. The key to raising Persian cats is to practice understanding and patience and often their behavioral problems fix on their own. As the owner, you have to teach them good behavior, stop them when they try to bite or behave aggressively, and praise them and give them your attention when they obey you!
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