Top Breast Augmentation in Atlanta Considerations for Patients

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Top Breast Augmentation in Atlanta Considerations

Breast augmentation is surgical procedure that also goes by the name “mammaplasty, breast implants or breast enlargement.” It is a cosmetic surgery that increases or helps to restore the size of the breasts with the use of silicone gel implants and saline implants. However, in some cases, breast augmentations in Atlanta surgeons choose fat transfer.

Today, this procedure remains the most frequent and popular performed aesthetic surgical procedures. It stands out as a procedure that has a successful and long record of accomplishment in keeping women happy. It satisfies the need of women who wish to regain, restore, or enhance their figure.

When to Consider a Breast Augmentation

If you are not sure of whether you need a breast augmentation surgery or not, here are some reasons you should consider.

  • You want a more appealing and better-proportioned figure
  • If you want your clothes to fit better
  • Has pregnancy, aging, or weight loss taken a toll on your body, breast shape?
  • If you want to restore symmetry, especially if one breast is smaller when compared to the other.


Walking into a hospital for your surgery can be a scary thing, but the key here is to equip yourself with the top considerations and consult your Crispin Plastic Surgery experts for the procedure. Common considerations include:


  • Your figure will look better in swimwear and other clothes
  • Augmentation is a long-term solution for achieving the perfect figure
  • It will give you a more youthful figure
  • Boosts your self-esteem
  • Provides longer lasting results


  • Eventually, you will need replacement
  • Implants require monitoring
  • Normal surgical risks play a role

Although these are the top considerations (the pros and cons), you should know that the outcome of the procedure varies for different individuals. Hence, it is advisable that you consult your plastic surgeon prior to the procedure.

Who is an Ideal Candidate?

There could be several other reasons why you may want to consider a breast augmentation surgery. According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, the following are some common reasons why people tend to consider the surgery.

  • Believing that you have smaller breasts for your body
  • You feel conscious about your figure when you wear a swimsuit
  • Your breasts reduce in size after you have children
  • Some clothes do not fit well around your bust line
  • Due to weight loss, your breasts are shrinking
  • One breast appears noticeably smaller than the other

If you find yourself with good health, have realistic expectations, a positive attitude, then you are likely to be the right candidate for this procedure.

How Does the Procedure Take Place?

In breast augmentation, when the surgeon uses implants they make incisions around the breast, lift the breast tissue, create a pocket/cavity, and place implants in the space. Another optional (but now rare) option for the breast augmentation is the autologous fat transfer, which is a process in which your surgeons would remove fat from another area of your body (thighs, abdomen or flanks) through the liposuction procedure and inject it into your breasts.

Currently, this is not a common technique due to the limited history of data, however, this process in some cases shows promises results.

Where will Surgeons Place the Implants?

There are multiple factors including your anatomy your surgeon’s recommendation as well as how your breast implants would position in your breasts that determine the surgery. The ways surgeon place the implants into your breast pockets include:

  • Underneath the breast tissue or on top of the pectoral muscle
  • Underneath the pectoral muscle, between the chest wall and breast tissue

Note that surgeons place breast implants either below or above the pectoral muscle. The placement of the implants underneath the pectoral muscle could interfere with breastfeeding and mammograms. This is something that your surgeons will discuss with you first.

Breast Implant Options

There are many implant choices when it comes to breast augmentation. The following are the common options available, depending on your body shape, medical history, and aesthetic goals.

  • Saline Breast Implants: These implants have sterile salt water in them. Sometimes, surgeons may pre-fill them to a predetermined size or fill them at the time of the surgery to allow for some minor modifications in the size of the implants.
  • Structured Saline Filled Implants: Along with sterile salt water, this option contains a structure inside so they feel as silicone elastic gel. They help to give the breasts a natural look and enable them to hold back their shape better than the traditional saline breast implants.
  • Silicone Gel Breast Implants: These implants are soft with elastic gel and available in a wide variety of shapes. All silicone gel implants are pre-filled and require a longer incision for the placement of the implants.

There are different techniques available for the breast augmentation surgery, as well as different implants. It remains a reliable and safe surgical procedure. Before you opt for the surgery, it is advisable that you consult them and get as much information as necessary to make a wise decision.

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