WhatsApp instant messenger is working on including a new feature. Not long ago, it added the video call, allowing users to enjoy more face time with their contacts. Now this new development, Live Location Tracking, will tell you where your friends are at any point in time. Wouldn’t it be great to know where everyone is?
WhatsApp Location Tracking for iOS and Android
Although video calling is now available for all mobile OS including Windows, for now, live location tracking is only for Android and iOS devices. It is a feature in WhatsApp Beta and works on 2.16.399+ versions on Android and iOS version.
Not Active by Default
Users of the app will have to enable it themselves. It will not be active on its own, which means that you have the choice to enable it. You will only be able to get location updates of friends who have enabled this feature on their WhatsApp.
Reaction to Live Location Tracking
There is a state of mixed sentiments about this feature. Some people who we asked about their opinion on this liked it. Others felt concerns about misunderstandings people can have because of technology. Sometimes, not letting people track you is necessary, and sometimes, knowing where people are can be helpful. For instance, if you are in a group on WhatsApp, you can know where every member is and plan the nearest meetup joint. You can also rescue friends by tracking their most recent location if you feel they may be in need of help. Business owners who use WhatsApp can use this feature to track their mobile workforce, and parents can use this feature to keep kids on the radar.
Would you enable the WhatsApp location tracker feature? Leave your answer in the comment below. We would love to know.
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