UK’s Most Searched for Sex Toys – Infographic

Written by Guest Blogger
2 · 03 · 18
UK’s Most Searched for Sex Toys – Infographic

The adult toy industry is a multi-billion dollar industry when you consider it across the world. Millions upon millions of people regularly enjoy using adult or sex toys and with so much choice available on the market these days, it does not matter what gender or orientation you are because there will be a sex toy to suit your tastes. Furthermore, adult toys are not just the fancy of those who are single; there are many options available in terms of toys that are suitable for couples of all ages and all genders. Some people also incorrectly believe that adult toys are something that has been created in recent times however that is far from the truth.

Records suggest that the first vibrator was developed in the late 19th century! This was as a result of physicians being inundated with unhappy women where they were treated for something known as “hysteria”. A mechanical substitute was developed in order to “clear” these frustrations and that’s when the world said hello to its first vibrator.

Of course, things have developed significantly since then and it is now possible to get a vibrator that is as tiny as a bullet (and coincidentally is known as a bullet vibe too!). Sex toys bring joy to many and they’re a fantastic way to spice up a stale relationship or to keep a happy one even happier. It’s important people open their minds to using these toys because they can solve some issues that people might have for example with difficulty in reaching climax or maintaining erections and so on.

The guys from Carvaka Adult Toys have put together this infographic which breaks down by UK region the most searched for sex toys. It’s interesting to see what parts of the UK favor their anal play over their rabbits and so on. Check out all the details below to get a voyeuristic look into the UK’s sex toy behavior.


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