Things to Consider when Getting a Japanese Tattoo

Written by Aara Jones
6 · 11 · 19
Things to Consider when Getting a Japanese Tattoo

The tattoo has always been a popular culture in western countries, where most of the people love this form of body art. If we look at the Asian counties like China, Japan, Singapore, and Thailand, we will find that the trend of wearing a tattoo has also become popular there. The tattoo culture has become a global trend now and you can sense the craze of getting a tattoo anywhere in the world.

Asian economic giant, Japan has emerged as one of the hot favorite destinations for tattoo lovers. The industry is flourishing here, and you can browse across a range of Japanese tattoos to pick the best one from. In this article, we will talk about some important factors you should keep in mind when getting a Japanese tattoo.

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Find an Artist First

This is the first step to get an attractive Japanese design tattoo. If you try to relate the tattoo culture to the history of Japan, then you will have to find an artist who is well versed in these genres. The industry of tattoo art is thriving in Japan and there is no scarcity of tattoo parlors there.

However, finding a skilled and certified tattoo artist is very important if you want to get a remarkable Japanese tattoo experience. You can check their websites, read reviews or talk to the people you know around you. The tattoo parlor or the artists should be reputable and have a good record of accomplishment.

Visit the Parlor

If you think that the information you have received online is not enough to choose the right tattoo artist specialized in Japanese tattoo, you can visit their place to see everything from close. This will definitely give you a better idea about their services.

By visiting the tattoo parlor, you can see the work of the tattoo artist. You can also ask questions to clear your doubt. The staff in the shop should be very friendly and they should not hesitate to share the details of their working experience in the field. Once you have visited the shop, look around it and examine how clean and hygienic it is.

Choose Style and Design

If you have decided to wear a Japanese tattoo, then you should know that most of the tattoo design in Japan come with symbolism and each of them bears significant meaning for the wearer. You will definitely be impressed by the captivating artwork of Japanese tattoos, as they represent the culture itself.

Stork is one of the most popular tattoo designs in Japan. The design represents two native storks and you have them in your body in the form of a beautiful tattoo. Geisha, Samurai, Wizard Samurai, Fish, Lotus, Cats and Bamboos are some of the most popular tattoo themes in Japan. However, before choosing a design, make sure it suits your body type and personality. Research a bit to know about the various tattoos available in Japan.

Compare the Cost of Japanese Tattoo

The cost of tattoo work will depend on the style, size, and color of your tattoo. Most of the tattoo artists charge for an hour and if you have chosen a small Japanese tattoo, it may cost you little. Generally, the process costs around 1,000-15,000 yen for an hour.

To ensure that the artist is not robbing you, you can check the price of other service providers in the area for the same design. However, reputable tattoo shops or individual artists always charge a standard price for excellent Japanese body tattoo solution.

If you are getting a tattoo for the first time, never forget to ask about the aftercare solutions. Always prefer a licensed tattoo artist or shop to wear a perfect Japanese tattoo style. Thus, follow those steps and get the best tattoo design at the best price.

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Aara Jones