When shopping for an appropriate data center space, you’ll probably end up scratching your head choosing from the different types. Colocation depends on various types of environment for you to pick per the type of business.
Some of the most reliable colo providers would offer raised-floor solutions. For example private cages/racks and cabinets while the best ones offer data modules. This makes it a little challenging to take a decision.
The only way you to choose is by understanding each of the solution and specific features to keep the business operations streamlined. Colocation or “colo” is housing privately owned networking equipment and in-house servers either in the office or at a private data center.
Companies may “co-locate” the essential hardware by renting a dedicated space within a colo center. So, unlike other types of hosting where you rent a server space from the hosting provider. A colo facility allows customers to rent a space that fit the requisites.
Raised Floor
The two most common colocation solutions are cabinets and cages/racks that fall in the category of raised floor solutions and are a perfect fit for your business. Irrespective of the type, the raised floor space is pre-installed alongside critical infrastructure elements of the IT environment. The spaces are also tested in advanced to guarantee design capacity and capability are up to par. From there, you can totally customize the space depending on the unique requisites.
When raised floor solutions are a concern, you might as well opt for a space that offers A and B electrical relays hooked to each rack or cabinet for double-corded equipment. Also, pay attention to the built-in branch circuit monitoring for each electrical relay. The circuit must adhere to the climate control and cooling standards. It must promise uninterrupted power supply and N+1 configured generators.
A huge colo facility can easily cater to the equipment of 19 and 23-inch with more or less seven-foot private cabinet space. Cages serve more than 100-square feet of raised space with a dozen options to security and configuration. You may take advantage of half-track, full cabinet or a suite per the business needs.
Data Modules
Still confused if raised floor colocation is the perfect fit for your business needs? Another solution is an autonomous data center environment known as data modules. Each model’s engineered to serve the purpose thereby offer incredible efficiency that surpasses even a traditional raised floor options. Meanwhile, scaling up a data center capacity with imminent business growth is easier with data modules.
One of the most remarkable and unique aspects of the growth is that it’s vertical rather than horizontal. That’s not all; it’s easier to ensure every equipment is operating at full potential with a maintained temperature being kept in hot-and-cold aisles. Module encapsulation keeps the hot and cold air from mixing. Whereas heated air is drained through an integral exchanger, allowing improved efficiency and equipment longevity.
Users or subscribers to the data modules enjoy an extra layer of security to protect the data infrastructure from its entirety. Being a data center within a facility, steel-frame compartments comprising each module offers a completely discrete equipment space, truly apart from rest of the data center.
Custom Security Solution
This degree of cooling, leak and fire detection/suppression and independent power distribution give custom security solution that fits the need. You can easily configure the modules to give access only to authorized personnel either through biometric scanners, key codes, and cards.
With respect to power, performance, and security, data modules can be tricky and may seem complicated. But deployment can commence in more or less 60 days. It allows quick and easy scaling up of a data center space capacity per the business requisites.
A typical colocation provider would lend a particular space within a data center allowing customers to install their critical equipment and deploy power, cooling, bandwidth and IP address as per the server requisite.
Choose Colocation or Not
By end of the day, the final decision to choose from the raised floor solutions or a private data module would be yours, which impacts overall security and data preferences.
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