Moving to a brand new house in a brand new town can be fairly stressful for you and your family. However, if you have pets, it may be just as distressful to them as it is to you.
So, when choosing a new home, you should make sure that it has everything your pet needs, in order to make the transition as harmless as possible for your four-legged friends. Make sure that you mention the fact that you have a pet to your real estate agent to make it a bit easier to filter potential homes.
Check with the Building Manager or the Home Owners’ Association
If you are looking for a condo like Home Sale San Deigo Downtown, make sure that the building allows pets and that your specific pet is not going to clash with the rules of the building. In some cases, even houses have similar rules. Home Owners’ Associations are created to keep a neighborhood up to a certain standard. However, that may mean that there are some rules which you may not like, like a ban on pets.
Before you fall in love with a property, do a bit of research into what is acceptable and what is not. This is particularly true if you want to keep an unorthodox pet, that is, anything other than a cat or a dog.
Solid Floors
Both cats and dogs have claws which they are occasionally happy to use on your floors. Even if they are not trying, some animals simply can’t help but scratch on the floor; dogs, in particular, cannot retract their claws, which means that they can easily damage floors of poorer quality, like laminated floors.
Choose something with hardwood or stone floors, or a combination of the two is probably the best. Not only will it be resistant to accidental damage by your pets, but it will also be much easier to clean than any other option.
Enough Space for Their Essentials
If you own a pet, you know that they come with a few essential accessories which they must have at their disposal at all times. For cats, it is a litter box and a scratching post, whereas both dogs and cats need plenty of space for their toys, food and water bowls and their beds.
Another important thing to note here is that both cats and dogs like to run around a bit, so you should take into account the floor plan of your future home and whether it permits them to fulfill their need to run around.
Plenty of Windows and Natural Light
Even if it is not too high on your list of priorities, natural light and the view of outside world can be very important to your pet, particularly if that is what they used to see through the windows of your previous home. However, be warned that both cats and small dogs need to be protected when you open the windows on the higher floors, so make sure that you have screens on your windows.
A Great Back Yard for Your Pets
This is particularly important for dogs, but even some cats enjoy going outside from time to time. Dogs need to run around, so having enough space in your backyard is practically a must, particularly with young dogs and with larger breeds.
While you are looking at the backyard, there are a few things which would be ideal to have. An outdoor faucet can be a lot of fun with a dog, but it is practical as well.
Choosing a house that your pets will like is a great idea, but you also need to make sure that you and your family will be happy with the choice you have made, so don’t jump into a purchase without a serious consideration.
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