The hair loss occurs due to numerous reasons. This is the reason why you would see a dermatologist acting like Sherlock Holmes. He will question, to reach the root cause of your hair loss. He will question to know whether the hair loss was sudden or gradual. All this interrogation will help him track the problem.
The dermatologist will ask you about the medicine you take (the side effect of which causes hair loss), the allergies you have (exposure to which might be the reason behind you losing your hair) and even about your dieting pattern. In case of a woman, the thing under question will be her periods and pregnancy. Even the slightest of clues might end up giving the perfect answer.
The dermatologist will examine your scalp and hair to gather the necessary evidence. He might pull a hair out of your scalp or he might alternatively check the hair on other parts of your body. Just to get an idea of how good the hair growth of your body is.
More often than not, the answer lies in the skin (aka scalp). The dermatologist might remove a part of your scalp for examination. This process is called “biopsy.” If this process fails to provide the necessary information, then the doctor might ask for a blood test. An expert advice at any point of time might feel relevant.
How to Dermatologists Treat The Hair Loss?
There are excessive reasons for the hair loss. This is the reason why dermatologists recommend their patients to get rid of the hair loss as quickly as possible. The treatment becomes trickier if you loss too many hair.
Treatment without Prescription:
This medicine, approved by the United States Food and Drug Administration, is a medicine applicable on your scalp. This medicine not only makes the hair grow on top of your head but also stops the hair from getting thinner. The product is approved for the use for both males and females. This medicine might work with another medicine to enhance the function.
Laser devices:
Laser devices in the brushes and comb can be very handy in establishing the most wanted levels of hair growth. These devices can make your hair look younger and stronger than ever. FDA also approved these devices and listed them as the medical devices. These devices do not go through any vigorous testing unlike medicines. The long lasting safety and effectiveness of these devices is still unknown.
Medicine prescribed:
These medicines approved by the FDA authority has multiple functions regarding hair loss in men. Finasteride are actually the high value pills, which guarantee a reduction of hair loss up to 88%. The other function that it performs is the stimulation of hair growth in men (about 66%). The main reason behind its effectiveness is that it stops the production of a hormone called dihydrotestostrone (DHT).
If the metabolic reactions happening in your body cause inflammation and that inflammation is triggering hair loss as a reaction, then this is probably the first medicine, which the doctor will recommend. This type of steroid is different from other anabolic steroids.
There are vast majority of procedures available for the recovery of the hair lost. The procedures adapted by the dermatologist depend on the number of hair lost. The dermatologist may use this as a last resort, or on the request of his/her patient. The dermatologist may adopt more than one procedure in one specific case. The procedures might include any one of the following:
Hair Transplant:
This is generally the most popular of procedures. The hair transplant includes two main steps. The first step is the removal of scalp with good hair growth and the subsequent step involves the replacement of the hairless scalp with the removed scalp.
Scalp reduction:
In this process, the bald scalp is removed and the hairy scalp is brought together. This can be a stand-alone treatment as well as a complementary treatment with the hair transplant.
Scalp expansion:
This procedure is performed by inserting devices into the skin, which make the skin more stretch friendly. This process may be performed before scalp reduction to relax the skin. On the other hand, it may be an alternative method to extend the hair-bearing areas.
Scalp flaps:
Much like the hair transplant, the scalp is surgically removed and put on to the areas where hair is required.
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