Buying Waterfront Homes – Some Tips That Can Help

Written by Rohani Egbert
1 · 23 · 20
Buying Waterfront Homes - Some Tips That Can Help

Life-essentials like happiness, enjoyment, contentment, peace of mind, and priceless relationships come under one roof, and that’s our ‘home’. Our home becomes all the more delightful when it is closer to nature and one such surrounding is water. Waterfront homes synonymize serenity and occupy the top-most position in our wish list. We can smell our sweat in every bit of the money that we earn. So it is important to make sure that our investment is worthy. Let’s dive deep into four major tips that can help before buying a waterfront home and enjoy validating such an investment.


Tip 1- Get familiarized with the Regulations and Permit

For building, rebuilding or repairing our waterfront homes we need a permit from varied sources. It includes the county’s waterfront plan, state regulations, and city’s local guidelines. Most importantly we should oblige the rules of the Army Corps of Engineers’ at the federal level. If you are buying a built-in home then make sure it is fully under permit.


Tip 2- Neighbors and Locals can share a treasure of Information

How usable the surrounding water is for activities like swimming, fishing or watercraft use? Or when and for how long are these allowed? Aren’t these some of those million-dollar questions, that crop up in your minds? These questions get best answered when we befriend and initiate a chat with the people living near our waterfront home. With their day-to-day experience on waterfront privileges, they can clarify and streamline our thoughts.    


Tip 3- Search begins and ends with the right realtor

Finding the best real estate service provider for waterfront homes is the initial and most crucial step. With their knowledge-based experience, they can tell us which place and type of property can comply with our sought features. With first-hand research, it is conveyed through this article, that reaching out to such experienced and reputed firms isn’t an issue. Their property management skills can help us in understanding remedial ways for refurbishing our waterfront homes in case of water-prone disasters like flooding and hurricanes. They are the best person to advise us to choose the best property.


Tip 4 – Waterfront specialists are a stronghold

It is important to conduct an out and out inspection of the waterfront property. The current property may have suffered an erosion or may need repairs to become habitable. Hence, waterfront structures need a thorough investigation by an experienced inspector. Likewise, the structure and mechanical systems of waterfront homes need to be certified through traditional home inspectors. An experienced waterfront specialist can also help to look into these details:

  • Aspects like beach conditions below our home, irrigation and septic systems underground, natural erosion, and wildlife access
  • The shoreline – whether you need a seawall or bulkhead which can be a savior from weather erosion. The material of choice can also be recommended by the inspector. A stand-alone or combination of large stones, concrete slabs, and logs, whichever suits best is advised. 


Waterfront homes are a dream translated into reality. Indeed it is a unique investment, so it demands your time and also requires someone who has in-depth knowledge to inspect it. Only when you are confident about your investment can you enjoy the transition into a lifestyle near water.

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Rohani Egbert