An Insight into the Vegetative/Flowering Light Cycles of Plants

Written by Andy Glibert
1 · 01 · 19
An Insight into LED Grow Lights for Plants

The light cycle for plants refers to the ratio of light and darkness that a plant needs to grow. This principle applies to the indoor growing of plants using LED grow lights.

Light Cycle of Plants:

Different plants need to have their own individual amount of light to grow. Botanists categorize plants and flowers into their preferred light length.

Many plants need 18 hours of light for proper growth. The correct amount of light will help them grow and have a sufficient amount of nutrients. The 6 hours of dark allows the plants to recuperate and also saves money when you are using indoor Grow lights.

Day-neutral plants need only 6-12 hours of light like African violets, coleus, foliage plants, and geraniums. During this time, enough light is available for the process of photosynthesis. This process is essential for the proper growth of the plant.

The light energy is used by the plants to conduct photosynthesis and grow.  With Dorm Grow lights, there is no need to adjust the light as it comes optimized and ready to grow. The light is on for 18 hours per day during the vegetative growth cycle and is tailored to 12 hours per day during the flowering period. These lights are formulated with several different colors of light. We cover some a few of the most critical ones at bittertips:

Blue Light:

Blue light helps the plant in producing chlorophyll. It is essential in the beginning process of plant growth, but plants still need this during the entire growth process. It allows the plant to grow healthy and has strong roots, stems, and leaves.

Purple Light:

This color has a short wavelength but has positive effects on the growth of vegetables. It has energetic outcomes, but plants only utilize the amount they need.

Red Light:

This has a longer wavelength and very effective for plants. It is useful during the entire growth process, especially at the end. The correct wavelength of red color will increase flowering in plants.

The spacing of the Grow Lights:

The proper light distance between the plants and the LED grow lights plays a vital role in a successful indoor grow. Too close or far will negatively affect the plants.

The distance of light depends on the number or watt bulb you are using.

  • 240 watts Veg: 12-24 inches    Bloom: 8-16 inches
  • 450 watts Veg:14-30 inches    Bloom: 12-24 inches
  • 600 watts Veg: 16-36 inches    Bloom: 14-30 inches
  • 900 watts Veg: 18-36 inches    Bloom: 16-34 inches

The choice between Florescent and LED Light:

LED and fluorescent lights both come in full spectrum. However,   are the best choice for indoor plant growth because they produce the most substantial yields. Through this technology, you can grow year round, even out of season plants.

Full Spectrum vs. Individual Colored Lights:

Many indoor plant growers ponder whether to use a full-spectrum bulb or several individual lights. A full spectrum light such as G8LED will provide the most optimized color ratio for successful indoor growing. As such, G8 LED grow lights are standard for indoor grow projects.

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Andy Glibert