Moving into a new home can be very stressful. Even more so if you don’t prepare yourself well in advance and inform yourself about all the things you need to take care of prior to the move, but instead learn and find out about them as you go. So, to help you avoid this nightmarish scenario, we’ve prepared a list of the most important things you need to take care of before moving into your new home. Pay attention.
Checklist of Things To-do before Moving Into Your New Home
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Change the locks
Before moving into your new home, you need to make sure that you and your family members are the only people who have the keys to your new place. Fail to do so and you might end up in an unpleasant, or even potentially dangerous situation. Besides, you never know who else has the keys to your new property, so lower the risks by changing the locks before you actually move in.
Give it a fresh coat of paint
Provided that you’ve inspected the walls of your new place for lead and asbestos (if not, do so as soon as possible) prior to actually buying the house, you should refresh your walls with a new coat of paint. Not only will this erase any traces of the previous owners, but it will make your new home feel fresh and clean. Besides, this will be an excellent opportunity to make a base for your new room design since the rooms are still empty and free of furniture. Additionally, this should be done in advance to allow the paint to dry properly and air the rooms out so that no one has to inhale the fumes.
Clean thoroughly
Another thing you should do prior to moving in is give everything in your new home a good scrub. This is especially important if you’ve decided to keep some furniture pieces or bathroom fixtures left behind by the previous owners. So, find good-quality (and preferably eco-friendly) cleaning solutions, get a bucket and a mop, roll up your sleeves and get down to work.
Relocate utilities
Moving house utilities is also something you need to take care of in advance, to avoid moving into a home that has no water, heating, electricity, or Wi-Fi connection. However, this can be somewhat time-consuming, but do know that there are excellent companies specialized in moving house utilities like MyConnect that offer to take care of all of this for you. So, find a reliable expert to help you out with this particular task and rest assured everything would be taken care of.
Take care of any repairs
If there’s anything that needs to be fixed in your new home, take care of it before you move in. Not only will fixing anything that needs to be fixed be much easier while the house is empty, but you’ll also be able to fix it much faster when you can concentrate solely on the issue at hand.
Put together a move-in kit
Finally, this is something you should think about before you even start packing all of your belongings. A move-in kit can be a box or a suitcase that will hold all of the essentials you’ll need as soon as you move into your new home. It should contain a personal hygiene kit, clean clothes and underwear, fresh bed sheets and sleepwear and even some energy bars. Depending on the size of your family, you can choose to either make one big move-in kit or ask everyone to prepare their own.
As you can see, moving houses doesn’t have to be stressful. The key is to prepare everything you can in advance and ease through the move once the time comes. This way, everyone will be much more relaxed and far less stressed out, which will make the entire process much more fun for everyone involved. Therefore, before moving into your new home – think ahead, plan ahead, prepare in advance and enjoy your new home.