5 Things You Didn’t Know You Needed in Your New Home

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5 Things You Didn't Know You Needed in Your New Home

Buying a new home is a dream come true for most. You have your own property to furnish at will. Once the necessities are there, it is time for the luxurious stuff. This is where the creative challenge starts. That’s because you are bound to skip several items that you probably did not even know you needed. That is why; our list will provide you with five essentials that you should really acquire in your new home.

Window Insect Screens

Lifestyle Glitz - In Your New Home 1

No matter where you live encounters with the local wildlife are bound to occur sooner rather than later. These do not have to include a bear breaking into your pantry. A simple bat in the bedroom at night is scary enough. That is why window openings require extra protection. These have small holes intended to stop flies, bees, mosquitoes, and other flying things from getting inside the house. Additionally, they can stop larger animals like birds and the aforementioned bats, which can be quite pesky. However, don’t have your expectations too high. Spiders, cockroaches, and other crawlers will eventually find their way, but definitely in fewer numbers than without the screens.

Electronic Lock in Your New Home

Safety should really be your biggest concern. Are you aware that today we are still using the concept of the lock and key dating back to the times of Antiquity? Your home yearns for a more modern safety solution. Installing an electronic lock, like the one you can see in a hotel is the right way or go. Not only are they nearly impossible to pick, but they provide the owner with more options. If you install the right technology, you can open and close doors remotely using your mobile phone. It becomes the key. In addition, some models come with a fingerprint sensor, which renders those 100% safe and easily accessible, with an open door just a scan away. Finally, they have a much more appealing look than conventional locks.

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Air Conditioning in Your New Home


At first sight, you might wonder why we have put AC on the list since everyone is aware of its importance and role in a modern home. Well, this is precisely the catch; people leave air conditioning installation last and more than often forget about it. During springtime, they have no need for it, but when air temperatures suddenly rise at the beginning of summer, panic ensues. That is why you should give the AC people a call before you move in to make sure they have an all-inclusive service, much like this Australian company, Farran Heit Air Conditioning. It does seem silly, but other than a wide array of AC units, ongoing maintenance, and affordable prices, the company has to care for the customer.

Smart Lights in Your New Home

Clicking the lights on and off manually all your life can become tedious. Why not take advantage of moving into a new home to change this. As in the case of the lock, your phone becomes the light switch. You can turn on the lights before you approach the door and even set the time in advance when the lights will go out. These are perfect for the children’s room. Although it seems like fun, this feature is a major safety factor as well. You can set the lights to turn on while you are away to deter potential burglars.

Lifestyle Glitz - In Your New Home

Sweeping Handle Extension

No matter how much manufacturers try, they can never get the length of their sweeping product light. For some, it is too long and for others, it is just too short, so they have to lean forward when mopping the floor. This can cause serious injury to the back, in the end, so better do something about it today. There are several types of universal extensions for brooms, mops, rakes, and dustpans, which are available for purchase online. They are ridiculously cheap, and they will prove precious to keeping your new home clean.

When you come to think about all the products listed here, they offer good value for the initial money. Purchasing a new home is an investment for the future and so are the items inside it. By buying them, you ensure that you will enjoy luxury in your new home for many years to come.

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