Skin redness is considered one of the most common signs of irritation and it is often accompanied by itching. Itching is a condition that means irritation and discomfort that causes the unbearable desire to scratch yourself. It can be caused by various conditions that affect not only your skin but also your overall health. In this article, we have gathered five common reasons why your skin is red and itchy.
Why Your Skin Is Red and Itchy
1. Allergy
Allergy is a condition in which your body considers a certain substance as harmful. As a result, you may get rush, sneezing, swelling, redness, and other unpleasant complications. A huge variety of allergies can cause redness and itching. The most common causes of allergy are:
- Food allergy
- Latex allergy
- Insect allergy
- Pet allergy
- Mold allergy
- Pollen allergy
- Medication allergy
Some of these allergies can cause redness and itching on the body. For example, latex allergy usually affects the hands when people use latex gloves and groin if the person uses latex condoms. It is essential to understand that allergy is a serious health issue that can even become life-threatening. The sooner you know why your skin is red and itchy the better. If you have noticed that something causes skin redness and itching, consult an allergist, and undergo precise treatment.
2. Skin condition
Atopic dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis, and many other skin conditions can make your skin red and itchy. Most of them can be successfully treated while others cannot be cured. However, there are a lot of treatment options that may help you manage the symptoms of skin conditions. It is important to understand that each of these health issues has its own underlying cause and you should start treatment only if you were diagnosed by a doctor.
3. STIs
Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are infections that can be passed between sexual partners during intercourse. At the initial stages, STIs usually do not cause any symptoms. However, when they become advanced, you may experience genital itching, redness, rash, abnormal discharge, and unpleasant odor.
You should know that STIs can be transmitted not only through vaginal sex. If you have had unprotected oral or anal sex, you can also get infected. In this case, the symptoms can occur in your mouth or anus. Visit your doctor if you have noticed at least some of the STIs symptoms to prevent further damage and severe complications.
4. Skin dryness
Excessively dry skin can also become itchy and red. In most cases, this issue affects hands, arms, feet, and legs. However, the skin on the other body parts can also become dry. Many people can treat dry skin with the help of home remedies, moisturizing creams, and lifestyle changes. But if your skin condition becomes severe, it is essential to visit a dermatologist for diagnosis and precise treatment.
5. Fungi
There are various types of fungi that can affect the human body. For example, Candida fungi can cause thrush and yeast infection. Thrush usually occurs in the mouth while yeast infection develops in the vagina. Yeast infection can cause severe itching and redness that are accompanied by thick vaginal discharge and discomfort. This is why your skin is red and itchy and not something that you should ignore.
Another common fungal infection is an athlete’s foot. This condition affects the skin between toes and can cause swelling, blisters, redness, and itching. If left untreated, it can affect your toenails and other body parts. You can treat fungal infections with antifungal medications.
The Bottom Line
Redness and itching can cause a lot of discomfort and may even interfere with your normal activity. It is essential to understand that any symptom has an underlying cause. The consultant can diagnose why your skin is red and itchy better. That is why you should not perform self-treatment if you have noticed some alarming symptoms. Visit a doctor to evaluate your condition and undergo appropriate treatment.
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