Do you wish you knew a hack trick for using Facebook? Have you ever been judged by your friends for not knowing certain Facebook tips and tricks? Worry no more! This article is here to rescue you with the top six hack tricks you can use to impress your friends. The best part is that very few people know these skills.
Hack Trick 1: Update your Facebook Status with SMS!
Despite the mass usage of smartphones, there are still some who do not wish to install the Facebook app on their phone or do not even own a smartphone. For them, this hack trick will prove lifesaving. Here is a simple step-by-step guide to help you get started:
- From a desktop browser, access your Facebook account.
- Go to Settings and choose Mobile.
- Click Add mobile phone number. (If you haven’t previously added your phone number)
- Select your wireless carrier and choose ‘Next.’
- Send an SMS containing “F” to 32665.
- Then you will receive a confirmation code on your phone.
- Type into the empty space in the pop-up box that appears on Facebook.
- Now, whenever you wish to post a status on Facebook and are too lazy to open the app or are stuck in a place with no Wi-Fi, simply send an SMS of the status to 32665. Your Facebook friends will know what you are up to at any time.
If your account contains trusted contacts only, then you could take it up a notch and choose ‘Share my phone number with my friends’ and ‘Allow friends to text me from Facebook.’
That is not all. Here are some simple built-in instructions you can SMS to Facebook:
- START – Begin getting text notifications for your Facebook Updates.
- STOP – Put a stop to text notifications for your Facebook Updates.
- HELP – Get assistance with using Facebook via SMS
- OTP – If you forget your Facebook password, recover a Onetime Password.
Hack Trick 2: Ahoy Cap’n! Make Your Facebook Profile Pirate
Free the pirate blood within you and let it show on your Facebook Profile! Facebook allows users to convert their Facebook profiles into their preferred language.
- After logging in, go to Settings and select language.
- To change your current language, choose Edit.
- A list of the numerous languages available will open.
- Scroll down and click on the English Pirate option.
With this change, your profile will become fun and interesting to use. Now you can express your reaction to a post by Arrr! (Like), Scrawl yer thoughts (Comment), or Split the booty (Share). It definitely adds a new spice to the old boring scrolling.
Hack Trick 3: It Is All Topsy Turvy
If you are new on Facebook and want to play a fun prank on your siblings or close friends, this hack trick is the way to go! This trick will turn someone’s Facebook Profile upside down or topsy-turvy. A prerequisite for this prank is that the person must have selected auto login on a specific browser. This is possible when many siblings share a laptop or a friend forgets to log out from your browser.
All you have to do is select the upside down language under the person’s Facebook account. You can find it in the language-setting menu as described previously. Remember to record your sibling’s horrid expressions when they are unable to process what has happened!
Furthermore, if you wish to drive your friends crazy, you could post upside down too. You can use different sources from the web for it, one of which is Many Tools.
Hack Trick 4: Admiring Photos Made Easy!
Do you have a large social circle and are extremely busy? Do you find it difficult to stay updated about their marriage, baby, and trip’s photos? If you answered yes, then you can save their albums in your own collection to view later. Despite the fact that many Chrome plugins introduced solely for this intent are non-functional, nevertheless, the one, which functions admirably, is the Download Album.
- Open a friend’s Facebook album.
- Select the Download Album extension icon and choose Normal.
- An instant pop-up will show all the images that download.
- A new tab with all the downloaded images opened.
- Select each one to download them separately.
However, if you prefer to save all of the images for the last time, use the Chrome plugin Fatkun Batch Download Image.
- Select this icon.
- A pop-up will appear.
- Select This Tab from the photo album page and all the images download in no time.
If you do not care for the high quality of the pictures, you could exclude using the Download Album plugin fully. Simply return to the Facebook page, which shows the image gallery and use the Fatkun downloader to save all the smaller pictures in one go. Now enjoy viewing your family’s pictures on your laptop!
Hack Trick 5: Be Active on Facebook Without Actually Being Active!
With a mash-up of IFTTT and Boomerang, assign a time and day to your Facebook status updates.
Assume that you have to send three emails within this week, one email for each day.
- Make an IFTTT applet formed on the IFTTT mail trigger.
- Select the Send IFTTT an email tagged trigger.
- Assign a tag, for example, #statustoday
- Choose Create trigger and select the Facebook Action.
- You can send a link message or even a static status message. Both of them will work only if you add the link in the email body for the linked post.
- Suppose you add the status message in the body of your arriving emails. Send an email to including the subject line of #statustoday
- IFTTT will move forward the body of your arriving email as a fresh post to your Facebook wall.
However, typing an email every time you want to post to Facebook is quite a hassle. Therefore, we bring Boomerang into play.
- If you have not already, then sign up for a no-cost Boomerang for Gmail account.
- Install Boomerang and start writing your daily updates with the #statustoday in the subject line.
- Tick the Boomerang this box in the Boomerang Settings
- Allot your post a date and time to post on Facebook.
- After the post is complete, select Send Later.
- Finish typing your posts for the rest of the days. You can even assign multiple posts per day.
Now relax and enjoy for the rest of the days because your Facebook will update without more help from you!
Hack Trick 6 (The Million Dollar Trick): Be Online While Being Offline
Do you wish to chat to specific people and hide from the rest without turning off the chat for everyone? Then look no further!
- Go to Settingsand choose Blocking in your Facebook Account.
- List the names of the people who annoy you with messages or app requests.
- These people will be unable to see you online or get on your nerves anymore!
These Facebook Hack Tricks will definitely save you a lot of time and free you from unnecessary hassle. Try them all out and let us know how you found them!
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