6 Similarities and 5 Differences between Cool and Warm Sod Grass

Written by Andy Glibert
10 · 31 · 19
Cool and Warm Sod Grass - Similarities and Differences

sod grassWhen it comes to choosing the sod grass for your lawn; there are many factors that you must consider before. The soil type must be checked, the weather of the area, the quantity of rainfall and humidity should be analyzed. Only then the suitable grass must be decided because there are many similarities as well as differences between the two types of seasonal grass.

Warm Weather Grass at Sod Farms in Atlanta

The first type of sod grass is the warm weather grass that sod farms in Atlanta have. These types of grass are best for the summer season when the weather is extremely hot and humid. The grasses that grow the best in warm-season are Centipede, Bermuda, Zoysia, St. Augustine and Bahia.

Cool Season Grass

The cool-season grass is totally the opposite of warm sod. The Kentucky Bluegrass, Bentgrass, Fescue and Ryegrass are the ones that can survive very well in the cooler regions. But be very careful that it can wither or become dormant if the weather is extremely cold or freezing.

Six Similarities between the two

You will be surprised to know that there are certain similarities between the two sod kinds of grass. These similarities don’t come from fantasies but they are there for real. If you have carefully read everything about cool and warm grass then it will not be difficult to understand the parallelism between them.

The Process of Application

It doesn’t matter whether you choose cool or warm-season sod grass; the process of installation is the same. The first step is to prepare the soil but according to the quality of the ground. Next, the sod is laid down; beginning from the sides. Both of the kinds must have no gaps between the two layers.

Depth of Roots

Both sods kinds need the same amount of water, air and nutrition when you initially install it. So the roots go deep inside the ground. This will help the sod to grip the soil properly and firmly. The deeper the roots will go; more source of nourishment is provided to the sod.

Use of Roller

Rolling the sod is really essential because it ensures that the sod is laid correctly. The roller pushes the two sods down so that the roots grip the ground firmly. You can use your hands to push it down if the sod is in a small area.

Installation of Sod Immediately

Regardless of the type of sod, you want to install; the installation must be done immediately after you have ordered the sod. It is recommended to install the sod instantly or you can wait 6 hours maximum. Waiting for more than that can affect the growth of the sod.

Watering and Mowing after Sod put down

The various sod grass companies including Atlanta Sod Farms give different tips on how and when to water and mow the sod. After the initial installation daily watering is necessary for both warm and cool sod grass. Mowing can also be done when the length of the sod leaves reaches the required height.

The benefit to the Environment

The sod grasses are manufactured in such a way that it costs less but gives the most benefits. Cool, as well as the warm sod grass, has a great advantage for the environment. A small patch of sod has the ability to create a large amount of oxygen. It also cools the atmosphere and reduces global warming.

What are the 5 Differences?

The warm and cool grasses are totally different from each in terms of many aspects. If you are shifting your house to a cooler area then you must carefully select it. The major 5 differences between the cool and warm weather sod grass are mentioned below.

The time of Installation

As the name suggests the warm grass has the excellent ability to survive in the hot weather. The drought season has no to very little effect on the sod. But the cool sod grass can thrive in the northern regions of a country where the weather is cool.

Germinating Rate

The warm sod grass a month to grow to the full length required. This is because the hot weather affects the rate of growth and the heat can evaporate the water making it difficult to develop. But the cool sod grass germinates quickly and within a couple of weeks, the grass fully established.

Is Overseeding Necessary

During the summer season it becomes difficult for the cool weather grass to thrive and can get damaged; over seeding is crucial to help the development of the grass. Whereas, the warm grasses can easily live in hot weather; so there is no need to over seed.

After establishment care

The after establishment maintenance is different for both types of sod grasses. Extra care must be taken for both kinds of grass during their respective dormant months; summer for the cool grass and care during winter for warm sod grasses.

The Process of Photosynthesis

As children, you must have learned about the process of Photosynthesis. But did you know that the warm and cool grass that you buy from sod farms in Atlanta have different intensity of the procedure? The warm grass produces more sugar molecules so the grass can survive in the hot weather. But the cool weather grass develops it less as compared to the warm one.

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Andy Glibert