Make Your Home Simple and Smart with Clipsal Lighting Control

Written by Aara Jones
7 · 19 · 18
Make Your Home Smart with Clipsal Lighting Control

The home should be a place where you can feel secure even when you are alone. If the home has a convenient, comfortable, secure and energy efficient automated system, then you will live a smart life. This can happen with the help of the latest technology. The Clipsal lighting control is easily installed by a licensed electrical contractor.

A smart home will put you in charge and is affordable. This means that you will have an app on the smart device or use voice recognition via a central hub. All this controls the smart appliances. The technology is easy and affordable when you turn on your cooling heating or before arriving home. You can preheat the smart oven in your home or even program the lights to turn on whenever you want. This is done today by the latest generation to suit their lifestyle.

Lifestyle Glitz - Clipsal Lighting Control

Lighting Control Made Easy 

The Clipsal lighting control is a system that combines with LED lighting along with app control. As a result, you will get a more efficient and a whole home lighting system that is smarter and more efficient. The entire home lighting system is designed in such a way that the user is put into control. This is much better if you compare it with traditional lighting systems. The electrical contractor uses the standard installation as well as hiring practices. It is quite simple to configure without any programming. This work does not involve any type of fuss.

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Enhanced Control with Clipsal Lighting Control

The Clipsal lighting control system tries to deliver a problem-free and compatible lighting. The lights are flicker free and dimming. The system has a multi-way switching and the dimming can be easily achieved. There is also no need of adding circuit wiring. The features of Clipsal lighting control are as follows.

  • The output of light is controllable over a range of 1 to 100%.
  • The configuration is simple in the system without any programming.
  • It uses standard 3-core and 2 – core TPS cable.
  • The lighting system includes a star, configure serial, spur or even a combination of wiring layouts.
  • There is the utilization of LED lighting.
  • It meets the green building requirements. It is also flexible and easily expandable.
  • The Clipsal lighting control system uses wall switches form the Clipsal range. It has a push-button mechanism for on and off and dimming of switch groups.

Lifestyle Glitz - Clipsal Lighting Control

Advantages Of This Lighting Control

  • The lighting designers and consultants are in an advantageous position because the lighting system is flexible and has a reliable control.
  • The configuration, as well as reconfiguration, is easy for the change.
  • The integration is simple along with building management systems.
  • The dimming behavior is logarithmic that matches the human eye. It also helps to increase the energy savings.
  • There are various options for emergency lighting.
  • The installers and electrical contractors also benefit from Clipsal lighting control. It is a simple five core wiring that has no special control cable. It also does not have any termination or polarity.
  • The system has an easy base for building commissioning and for tenancies.
  • There is no need to switch the mains voltage as it is handled internally by the ballasts

The lifestyle of today can be enhanced with today’s technology. The lighting control system can be individually controlled that will suit your home. It also enhances the level of comfort and convenience. It is designed in such a way that the whole family can operate it. There are wall switches, so it will easily blend with the decor of your home. You can control your home even if you are outside via web-enabled device.

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Aara Jones