Lahore a Marvel in Itself

Written by Mona Hadi Naeem
9 · 15 · 18
Lahore (Pakistan) a Marvel City

Lahore (Pakistan) is one of the oldest cities of the subcontinents that have a long history filled with tales of valor, love, and royalty. Although this city has revolutionized overtime, its historic aura remains preserved in the walled city of Lahore. The walled city of Lahore has its own charms, which are hard to ignore. There is a rich atmosphere reeking of stories of ancient civilizations that lived here. You can find historic monuments, temples, gardens and many picturesque landscapes worth exploring. Today this city is the social capital of Pakistan and one of the biggest living social centers of the world.

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Aesthetic Buildings of Lahore

You would discover age-old customs and qualities in this place and individuals living in the genealogical homes called havelis. You will also discover the narrowest lanes twirling and turning inside the walled city of Lahore.

The Walled City of Lahore silently resonates voices of the civilizations that lived here a hundred years ago. They echo voices of settlements like Afghans, Tughluqs, Lodhi, Hindus, Mughals, Sikhs, and the British. What is left of these periods reflects on the roads, alcoves, and corners of the walled city. The walled city has numerous buildings exhibiting architectural excellence, designed by the people of that time. Some of the famous go to places are the Badshahi Mosque, Lahore Fort, Gurdwara, Masjid Wazir Khan, the heritage museum and many more. Once you make a trip to all these places, you will witness the grandeur and the aesthetic sense of the art of the people of that time. Every building and historic area portrays a rich culture.

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Savory Food

This amazing city is not only famous for its artistic architecture but is also famous for its scrumptious food. Places like the Old Anarkali and the new food street have some of the best food places in Pakistan. Old Anarkali is likely the primary love of Lahori’s. The general population who are living in this part of the country know it extremely well as the Food hub of Pakistan.

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Lahore is famous all over Pakistan for two noteworthy things. One is the city of greenery and the second is a taste of spicy ‘Desi Food’ (native food or delicacies). Places like phajay k paye, haveli, gawal mandi host scores of Lahoris and foreigners who enjoy the delectable food served. Almost every Lahori refers outsiders to these places. The general idea is that if they haven’t seen this city, you have not been born yet. It has its own aura, which absorbs the visitor and keeps him or her longing for more and more. Apart from the desi food, this city is also home to many different cuisines like continental, Chinese pan Asian and many more. You will find many restaurants all over the city to explore.

The Teeming Bazaars of Lahore (Pakistan)

If you are a shopaholic then this is a place for you. When talking about bazaars, it is not possible to forget to mention the Anarkali bazar. Its name is a tribute to the beloved wife of the Emperor Shah Jahan, whose name was Anarkali. This bazaar is near her tomb. It is one of the oldest and the most colorful bazaar. It has everything from clothes to food of the truest Lahori essence. Apart from them, every area has its own bazaar.

The great shame market is famous for buying goods in bulk at wholesale prices. The throbbing Urdu bazaar is a gem of a place because it is a bazaar dedicated to books and paper. You could find any book at suitable rates for that bazaar.

Androon Lahore – A Marvel in a Marvel

Other depictions of the ancient Mughal architecture are the twelve famous gates. The twelve gates guarded Lahore city and each of which displays the magic of that era in its own way. The names of these gates are:

  • Akbari Gate
  • Bhatti Gate
  • Dehli Gate
  • Kashmiri Gate
  • Khizri or Sheranwala Gate
  • Lohari Gate
  • Masti Gate
  • Mochi Gate
  • Mori Gate
  • Raushnai Gate or ‘Gate of Lights’
  • Shahhaalmi Gate
  • Yakki Gate

These gates have a history of fortifying the city from the enemies for centuries. As history says, during the Mughal time a thick divider and considerable number entryways braced this city. The entryways would stay open amid the day and close amid night exclusively to keep the attacking powers out.

Today, a portion of the twelve awe-inspiring structures remain standing, while some have turned to dust.

The Akbari Gate is a standout amongst the most popular gates in Lahore (Pakistan). Mughal emperor, Akbar the Great ordered its creation. It has had some remodeling and stands tall in the entirety of its previous brilliance. Numerous historical buildings, markets, and streets exist inside the entryway; most popular ones include the Shahi Hammam and Wazir Khan Mosque.

Amongst others is The Lahori Gate, which is famous for its mouth-watering food. All of the twelve gates are famous for something or the other. They are the boundaries of the walled city. This city has however spread sporadically to a vast area.

The Hospitality of the Citizens

The entire infrastructure of the city is worth visiting but what is more appreciable about this city is that the people are warm and enthusiastic. They are extremely welcoming to outsiders and serve them well. The people are famous for their lively nature throughout the country. They are extremely helpful and loving to people visiting their city. You might get lost in the city but the generosity with which people will meet you and help you will make a home in your hearts.

Final Words

Lahore (Pakistan) is one of the cities in the world where anyone who goes once would long to visit it again. It is definitely a city full of warmth and colors. It attracts millions of tourists from within and outside the country. Its places are worth visiting and the love of people will leave you yearning for more. With its amazing festivities and colorful life, it has been the most favorite cultural hub for most people.

A quote says that “Lahore is Lahore” and it is true in many ways. It is a beautiful city, an amalgam of colors, history, traditions, and the evolving trends. In South Asia, it is amongst the richest cities, filled with so many different aspects that make life more enjoyable. This beautiful city will make you fall in love with Pakistan. Visiting this amazing city in Pakistan is no less than a treat you would give yourself. Pack your bags and be ready to explore a great city in a great nation.

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Mona Hadi Naeem