9 Mistakes That Will Destroy Your Love

Written by Mona Hadi Naeem
12 · 14 · 17
9 Mistakes That Will Destroy Your Love _ Lifestyle Glitz

The season of love (monsoon) is close or might even be here already. If you are looking for a love partner then keep in mind few things that help you in a long-term healthy relationship. After all, ups-and-downs are part of life and every relationship comes with this. However, the strong ones are those who understand and cooperate with each other.

There are 9 mistakes that will destroy your love such as:

Mistake# 1: Insecurities

When you choose a partner, make sure that you are aware of every habit he or she has. Do not change your habits to please your partner. This is the most important of the 9 mistakes that will destroy your love. He or she will love you for who you are not for what he or she wished you to be. If you highlight your faults, the right partner will look at you with the same eye. Therefore, in a relationship, you have to be confident about whom you are both on the inside and outside.

Mistake# 2: Communication Gaps

Communication plays a great role in every relationship. If you are in a long distance relationship, it is better to talk to your partner whenever you get time. If your routine is busy, then making your partner your priority is important to save your relationship. The best advice is to discuss every topic, about your daily routine, about your work life, and about your personal life.

Tip: Communicate regularly to understand your partner not to respond to the action.

Mistake# 3: Self Centered

To be stylish and fashionable is all you need to be. Forget about being self-centered because that will only damage your relationship. Instead of wasting time on yourself, do things that benefit both of you. For a healthy relationship, both of you have to be on the same page. Understand your partner and try your best to fulfill his or her needs.

Mistake # 4: Honesty

This may be the fourth of 9 mistakes that will destroy your love, but the most important thing in a relationship is how honest you are with your partner. No matter how big or small your lie is it will affect your bond. Once your trust is broken, there is no way that you can rebuild it like before.

Of course, no one is perfect but to admit your mistake can resolve many issues. If you ever had lied to your partner, confess it and regain the confidence in your relationship.

Mistake # 5: Family

Families are always a priority, and it is understandable but you cannot ignore your relationship. Your family may not like him or his family may not treat you well. In such situation, you both need to learn how to keep a balance in your love life and family life. Give respect and spend proper time with both families to make beautiful memories with them.

Mistake# 6: Media

Media is ruling the world and social media creates a new hype for everything. People spend more time on Facebook, Twitter, and other social sites. Unintentionally you ignore your partner and this will inevitably result in a damaged relationship. Know when to stop looking at social media and pay attention to your partners’ needs.

Mistake# 7: Physical Interaction

Sex is the only thing you share with your love partner. Pay attention to this, because it is also an important mistake of 9 mistakes that will destroy your love. Intimacy is what every relationship needs. It does not mean that you indulge in sex all the time. However, you need to spare some special time for your partner to keep the physical bond strong. If you or your partner ever feels the lack of intimacy, it is better to talk about it before it is too late.

Mistake# 8: Materialism

Too much spending and too much saving, both can affect your relationship. You need to discuss before making any big expense. However, you can go out your budget to make the days special for the birthday, presents, anniversaries, and valentine days.

Mistake# 9: Cheating On Your Partner

Cheating on your love partner is the worst thing that you can ever do. This probably can be among the top three of 9 mistakes that will destroy your love so take it seriously. No matter what the circumstances are, you need to sit and talk about the issue. The clearer you are about your relationship the happier you live with your partner.

Remember there is no one that can rescue your damaged relationship other than you. Spend time together; talk more and too understand that your partner is the ultimate key to a successful relationship. To keep your relationship happy and healthy you need to avoid these 9 mistakes that will destroy your love.

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Mona Hadi Naeem