5 Clear Signs You’re Stuck in a Toxic Job (and You Don’t Know It Yet)

Written by Fatima Siddiqi
10 · 22 · 17
5 Clear Signs You're Stuck in a Toxic Job

No one wants to work in an unhealthy work environment. It does nothing for your sanity or your career. You need to help yourself, fight the battle ahead, and free yourself for a better tomorrow. If you are not sure about your current job, then read this.

How to know if you are stuck in a toxic job?

Here are five major signs of being stuck in a toxic job that you must look out for and how to get out of it.

Communication barriers

Lack of communication between managers and employees can create a toxic environment at the workplace. Without effective communication, the accomplishment of tasks becomes practically impossible. If you get important information about work through others instead of through your manager (indirect communication), or get very little or no feedback about your performance, then you may be working in a toxic environment.

Bullying bosses

Toxic leaders consider themselves more superior and capable than others. They possess poor communication skills and use inappropriate ways to show anger or criticism. They openly claim credit for other people’s achievements and hard work. Bullies are also prone to manipulate their subordinates for their own professional gain. And they do not hesitate to point out their mistakes in front of others.

Inconsistent policies and procedures

In small businesses, official policies and procedures are not in black and white. Culture and past practice serve as precedents to guide future actions. However, in large organizations, many seniors take advantage of their position by breaking or manipulating company rules and ignoring rules written in the company rulebook. Such manipulation of company rules is a perfect sign that you’re stuck in a toxic job.

Poor health

Being stuck in a toxic job for long periods can badly affect an employee’s mental and physical health. Chronic stress including restlessness, weight gain and difficulty in sleeping are all negative effects of working in a toxic environment. No work is worth risking your health and well-being. Moreover, to be honest, maybe it’s time you moved on and looked out for a better workplace.

Workplace cliques

No matter how boring or depressing your workplace may be, getting involved with a clique to gossip and have fun is not acceptable at all. More often than not, these groups are about nothing but showing hostility towards people who are not a part of the group. This creates a toxic environment and the best way to avoid such negativity is to maintain a formal relationship with such cliques.

Tips for Dealing with a Toxic Workplace

These are some simple ways to deal with things if you’re stuck in a toxic job:

Don’t overthink anything about work

Try not to think about any office related problems once you get home from work. Make sure that you don’t bring any work home unless it’s very important.

Prepare an Exit Strategy

If your workplace is getting too toxic and you are planning to resign, then make sure to look for a new job and plan an exit strategy before resigning from work.

Create a Positive Workspace

Putting up quotes and pictures of inspirational people around your workspace is a great way to stay focused and motivated at work even if you’re stuck in a toxic job.

De-stress Your Workday

Reading books, listening to music or taking a short walk around the office area during the workday can help you to recharge and de-stress from work.

Click here to read our previous post “4 Reasons Why Summer Is Actually the Best Time to Job Search” in case you missed it. To read more about amazing lifestyle tips, keep visiting us on www.lifestyleglitz.com. We are all you need for a great and happy lifestyle!

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Fatima Siddiqi