The Power of Journaling

Written by Talha Daud
7 · 02 · 18
The Power of Journaling | The Power of Journalism

We constantly experience new thoughts in our daily life. Some of these thoughts can spark bright ideas and lay down future goals. It is self-talk that helps boosts your spirituality, mental and physical health. Imagine you have a rough day at work and you start dreading it, and you think about quitting. In such cases when you write, you are calming your nerves and letting all the frustrations out on a piece of paper without having to yell or show anger. This is journaling and it makes people feel better and more focused in life.

Lifestyle Glitz - JournalingSo what is Journaling?

Journaling is a path to self-discovery and awareness. As a journalist, you write down your thoughts and ideas for self-reflection and analysis. It helps you manage your emotions and keep them in control. Many therapists and reputable professionals describe journaling as one of the success professions that have made them understand who they are. It helps your process your feelings and channels your thoughts.

The more aware you are of yourself the more creativity will head your way. The more aware you are of yourself the more balanced and well planned you will be.

Importance of Journaling

Journaling has proven to be beneficial both scientifically and personally. The outcome of this activity has amazing results. These include the following benefits:

  • Increases self-awareness
  • Improves your focus
  • Triggers your creativity
  • Helps you relax
  • Deals with depression
  • Improves your self-image
  • Betters your communication with others
  • Improves your IQ

There can be many other benefits, but these are the best I have sorted out for you.

How to Start Journaling

It is not a rocket science and you definitely do not have to be an expert. Write whatever thoughts come to your mind that inspire your creativity. It should help you discover who you are and how to improve yourself.

If you want to start journaling here are some of the best tips:

  1. Keep a personal diary
    Addressing your thoughts in a personal diary can help you get relieved. It can help you to handle the troubles going on in the world around you. Keep your ideas or thoughts to yourself and improve them before sharing them with others and on social media. It gives you a sense of freedom and security.
  2. Don’t worry about the language
    Don’t worry about the language you write in. As long as you are comfortable in expressing your thoughts on a piece of paper, anything would work.
  3. Reflect on what you are writing
    Words have great power and what you write is about you and your personal goals. It might be about a decision you are going to take or something that is holding you down. You are trying to figure out a solution, so start writing down all the possibilities. It is better if you take your time to reflect on your thoughts.
  4. Do not run from bad experiences
    Journaling is a great way to heal from a bad past. You can let it all out on a piece of paper and not carry the burden on your shoulder. By writing it down you relieve yourself of the negative thoughts that pound your head and sucks the very peace right out of you.

By journaling, we get to know who we are from our own perspective. I most definitely recommend every individual reading this to try to practice journaling. You will surely find yourself, find some peace, and find a balance in life.

Here’s an infographic you would want to check out.

This infographic was originally created by and published at

Top 11 Scientific Benefits of Writing [INFOGRAPHIC] | By Syed Irfan Ajmal

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Talha Daud