Mobile Spy Apps – All that Parents Need

Written by Aara Jones
6 · 07 · 17
Mobile Spy Apps – Parents Need to Keep Kids Safe Online

Here is something most parents don’t know. There are mobile spy apps in the market that make it possible for parents to spy on their kids to make sure that they don’t abuse the privileges that come with modern technology.

One of the best things that ever happened to humanity was the coming of the internet age. With it came knowledge unlimited, standards of living went higher, new jobs were created globally, and marketing strategies evolved. Cell phones became a must-have accessory and today most peoples’ lives depend on it for livelihood, scheduling, and keeping their lives on track. Within no time, Facebook came about and this has become an integral part of our lives today. However, with these developments, morality has gone to hell.

Today, the youth has a lesser sense of morals, etiquettes, decency is going to hell with sexting taking a toll on the youth, and it seems the next generations are losing any sense of goodness. Parents can take control of things once again. They can start teaching their kids how to use the internet wisely, and where to draw the line to maintain decency. This is the key to raising responsible and sensible kids with a strong sense of morality.

What Do Mobile Spy Apps Do?

These apps do everything you can possibly think of in order to keep an eye on the activities your kid is involved in via the smartphone. If you have noticed that your kid cannot take his head up to drop the cell phone for a moment during the day, it means that there is the reason for concern. Your child is probably talking to someone very important, even more important than you. Who is it?

You may have asked your kid to hand over the cell phone a number of times, but it didn’t help make things better. It probably soured your relationship, which is all the more reason for you to use a monitoring app. All you need to do is install the app on the target cell phone, and then use the control panel of the app to read entire threads of text conversations. Not just text messages, but you can also read conversations via WhatsApp, Skype, Viber, Kik, and even line.

What’s More?

You can also use the in-built GPS tracking feature in these apps to know exactly where your kid is as long as he or she has taken the cell phone alone. Besides, the best part is that if you use apps that can track cell phones worldwide, then you will find more peace of mind. In case you are wondering if there truly is such an app, then you’d like to check up XNSPY.

It also comes with the Geo-fencing feature, which is highly innovative. This feature tells you whenever the target person enters or leaves any specific location. You will receive an alert informing you when the person checks in or checks out. Most other mobile spy apps don’t offer this.

You can also listen to the calls your child makes, and record ambient sounds in the background to eavesdrop on the discussions that happen in your absence. This feature helps parents know when their kids are up to malicious activities and they can take measures in time to save them from making nasty and irreversible mistakes.

Perhaps the most interesting feature that you’d like is that it can Watchlist Words and Watchlist Contacts. This means that you can tell the app which words you wouldn’t want your kid to use and alert you whenever your child uses them, for example, profanities. The Watchlist Contacts feature allows you to know when people you’ve decided to watch list communicate with your child.

Features Summary

Here’s a summary of features Mobile Spy Apps offer:

  • Monitor Text Messages
  • Monitor internet messengers
  • Use Geo-fencing
  • Monitor Facebook Messenger and Instagram
  • Monitor photos and videos
  • Get alerts 24/7
  • Use watch-list feature for contacts and words
  • Monitor apps installed
  • Monitor browsing history and bookmarks
  • Stay undetectable
  • Monitor calls and record surroundings
  • Monitor GPS locations
  • Remote access
  • Monitor emails
  • Monitor calendar entries

If you are a concerned parent who wants to keep an eye on your kid without ruining interpersonal relations and without making it seem as if you don’t trust your kid, then using mobile spy apps is your best option. You can know what secrets your kid is hiding in that cell phone without holding it in your hands. If you are concerned about using it on an iPhone or Android cell phone, then rest assured, it works on all iOS and Android smartphones. Most importantly, it is available for purchase for anyone across the globe.

Installation and Ease of Use

Installing the app is easy, just check these videos for Android installation and iPhone installation. Once installed, you can access the control panel to monitor your kid via your cell phone on the go, or from a PC.

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Aara Jones